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Meet Dr Roberto De Souza (Chiropractor)

Dr. RobertoWhile attending university, Dr Roberto studied pre-medicine to become a cardiac surgeon. When he learned about chiropractic, he was immediately inspired, switched paths, and enrolled in chiropractic college.

Dr Roberto earned his Doctor of Chiropractic from the Fountainhead of Chiropractic: Palmer College of Chiropractic in the United States.

Possessing Considerable Qualifications

In addition to his doctorate, Dr Roberto has undertaken a three-year post-graduate course in Paediatric and Pregnancy Chiropractic. He also earned a Master’s Degree in Health Education and Promotion from Western Illinois University.

Dr Roberto has also studied functional medicine and is interested in natural supplementation and how it may help improve health.


In His Spare Time

When he’s not at the practice, Dr Roberto can be found playing tennis with his sons or swimming in the pool or the beaches of the beautiful Sunshine Coast. He also makes delicious and nutritious meals for his family and friends.

Schedule an Appointment

Contact us today to book an appointment with Dr Roberto! He will be working Tuesdays and Thursdays at the practice.


Dr Roberto De Souza (Chiropractor) | (07) 3821 3103